It's official! We are on the wait list for a baby! We completed our home study on Valentine's Day and we're so glad to put all the paperwork and meetings behind us. Our home study consisted of a couples meeting, an individual meeting for each of us and a home visit with our social worker. Our home study is a very large, detailed document that consists of our background (where we grew up, our families, etc), our marriage, our religious background, our financial history, our thoughts on adoption etc etc etc. This document will be presented to the judge whenever we finalize our adoption. The potential birth parents also view this document with any of our "identifying information" redacted. We are just beyond excited at the prospect of having a child. We could be waiting a week or a year. It's hard to tell and each birth mom is looking for unique factors when making an adoption plan. However, we continue to pray and know that everything will fall into place when the timing is right.
Our hearts are so full. I don't know if I have ever felt this joyous or happy in my life. Our lives are filled with love from our family and friends and we are blessed with the all the emotional support we have received throughout the process. While infertility is heartbreaking, the strength that we have gained as a couple is immeasurable. I truly feel like this marriage, this life we are creating, is more than I could have ever hoped for. My faith is strong, my heart is full, and we are looking forward to a bright future. Even though we are very excited to be moving forward in the process, I feel fortunate to spend this "preparation" time with Wesley. We are preparing ourselves spiritually and emotionally for parenthood. Our bond as husband and wife has grown and I know we will face what the future brings together because we have already been blessed with so much.
Our journey into adoption is just beginning but we couldn't have made it this far without our family and friends. It seems like support has come out of the woodwork and kindness has been shown to us from both unlikely and familiar sources. Sometimes a bad day, a sad day, was changed by a phone call or small words of encouragement from family and friends. I doubt our friends realize how much they mean to us and how they have kept us going over the past nine months. I know that "thank you" cannot begin to express our gratitude and yet we want to say thank you for all the love that has come our way. Continue praying for us and we are certain we will soon be sharing a little bundle of joy with all of you in the future!
At The Beach Recap Part 2
5 years ago
Congrats, Amber! I am so happy for you. You will be in my prayers!
Congratulations! Many prayers being said for you both!
Congrats! Our home visit is scheduled for next week and I am a little nervous but mostly excited. I pray your wait is a short one and that you will be holding your child very soon.
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