Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How Easy It Is To Forget

I read LOTS of blogs (home improvement/decorating/adoption/family etc) and lately I’ve noticed an uprising of women expressing how painful the wait can be, whether it’s the wait to get pregnant or the wait for the “call”.  I think back to the time when I felt so broken and it doesn’t seem real.  At this moment in my life, I feel complete and full.  The Lord has blessed me abundantly and I feel it every day.  Sometimes when I think back to those darker, sadder days I have a hard time picturing myself and my state of mind.  I can remember fervently praying for our little one…thinking about who he or she was.  I can remember the silent tears running down my face as the wait grew longer and longer.  I can remember all of these things but I can’t remember the aching pain.  It’s gone.  The Lord has filled my hearts desire and I am no longer stuck in that place.
To all these women who are waiting know that there are so many people out there praying for you.  I have no advice on how to make the pain go away except to draw near to the Lord.  He holds the answers and the timing.  And from someone on the other side, it’s well worth the wait.  The Lord makes no mistakes!  I truly believe that all the heartache we went through (finding out we couldn’t conceive and then waiting and waiting) has made me much more aware of my blessings and I do my best to not take any of it for granted.  Don’t let the enemy poison your hearts with negative thoughts and emotions…keep your eyes upon the Lord for he has SO many blessings in store for you.  My heart breaks when I think about your pain but I'm praying for your miracle to come along!

He has made everything beautiful in His time (Ecc 3:11)


Patiently Waiting...... said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this. It is exactly what I needed to read today. I cannot wait until the aching pain of waiting is long forgotten......

All in His Perfect Timing said...

I'm thrilled to know I won't remember the pain once I become a mother! Thanks for your email, but also for this beautiful reminder to me that God's timing is perfect and to remember to pray.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience!